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Hexagonal nanopattern formation via EP is proposed. Anodization in glycerol electrolyte (0.1 M H2O, 0.1 M NH4F) yielded a hybrid nanostructure on Zr-4. Effect of MP + CP & EP + CP treatments on the Zr-4 anodic nanostructure morphology was evaluated.- Book : 15(4)
- Pub. Date : 2025
- Page : pp.2618-2631
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- Pub. Date : 2025
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This communication aims to comprehensively elucidate the intricate mechanism governing the interaction between the excited triplet state of 4-Carboxybenzophenone (CB*) and the anionic form of 2-Naphthalene Sulfonate (NpSO3−), employing the 337 nm Nanosecond Laser Flash Photolysis technique for this investigation. When the CB is selectively excited by a 337 nm laser, two primary processes become possible: (i) energy transfer from 3CB* to NpSO3− and (ii) electron transfer from NpSO3− to 3CB*. The dynamics of these interactions are explored through experimental observations of transient absorption spectra and the analysis of respective kinetic traces. The primary process dominating in the 3(CB...NpSO3−)* system is identified as triplet energy transfer from excited 3CB* to 3(NpSO3−), as demonstrated by characteristic spectral features observed at 410–420 nm. Comparisons are made with a similar system studied by Yamaji and co-workers, 3(BP•−...NpO•)*, revealing differences in the priority of primary process occurrences. These findings contribute to a deeper understanding of the intricate interactions between excited molecules and ground-state donors, aiding in the comprehension of mechanisms governing these reactions.- Book : 5(1)
- Pub. Date : 2025
- Page : pp.4-4
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An earthquake record is the convolution of source radiation, path propagation and site effects, and instrument response. Isolating the source component requires solving an ill-posed inverse problem. Whether the instability of inferred source parameters arises from varying properties of the source, or from approximations we introduce in solving the problem, remains an open question. Such approximations often derive from limited knowledge of the forward problem. The Empirical Green’s function (EGF) approach offers a partial remedy by approximating the forward response of larger events using the records of small events. Indeed, the choice of the « best » small event drastically influences the properties estimated for the larger earthquake. Discriminating variability in source properties from epistemic uncertainties, stemming from the forward problem or other modeling assumptions, requires us to reliably account for, and propagate, any bias or trade-off introduced in the problem. We propose a Bayesian inversion framework that aims at providing reliable and probabilistic estimates of source parameters (here, for the source-time function or STF), and their posterior uncertainty, in the time domain. We jointly solve for the best EGF using one or a few small events as prior EGF. Our approach is based on DeepGEM, an unsupervised generalized expectation-maximization framework for blind inversion (Gao et al, 2021). We demonstrate, with toy models as well as an application to an earthquake swarm in California, the potential of DeepGEM-EGF to disentangle the variability of the seismic source from biases introduced by modeling assumptions.- Book : ()
- Pub. Date : 2025
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ABSTRACTBackgroundSurgery remains the cornerstone of treatment for rhabdomyosarcoma (RMS) in children. However, there is considerable variation in surgical management practices worldwide, highlighting the need for standardized Clinical Practice Guidelines (CPG).MethodsThe CPG development involved assembling a multidisciplinary group, prioritizing 10 key topic areas, conducting evidence searches, and synthesizing findings. Recommendations were voted on using the GRADE (Grading of Recommendations, Assessment, Development, and Evaluations) methodology.RecommendationsThe panel recommended regional lymph node evaluation for patients with paratesticular RMS who are more than 10 years old and extremity RMS. Other suggestions included pretreatment re‐excision for incompletely resected RMS, preoperative radiation therapy for unresectable tumors, maintaining a 0.5 cm resection margin, and tumor bed marking with surgical clips. The panel also suggests resection of residual metastatic disease following chemotherapy, resection of relapsed disease, and the least invasive approach for managing patients presenting with obstruction.ConclusionThis CPG provides evidence‐based surgical management recommendations for RMS that can be adapted to diverse resource settings.- Book : ()
- Pub. Date : 2025
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AbstractBackgroundTotal‐body (TB) Positron Emission Tomography (PET) is one of the most promising medical diagnostics modalities, opening new perspectives for personalized medicine, low‐dose imaging, multi‐organ dynamic imaging or kinetic modeling. The high sensitivity provided by total‐body technology can be advantageous for novel tomography methods like positronium imaging, demanding the registration of triple coincidences. Currently, state‐of‐the‐art PET scanners use inorganic scintillators. However, the high acquisition cost reduces the accessibility of TB PET technology. Several efforts are ongoing to mitigate this problem. Among the alternatives, the Jagiellonian PET (J‐PET) technology, based on axially arranged plastic scintillator strips, offers a low‐cost alternative solution for TB PET.PurposeThe work aimed to compare five total‐body J‐PET geometries with plastic scintillators suitable for multi‐organ and positronium tomography as a possible next‐generation J‐PET scanner design.MethodsWe present comparative studies of performance characteristics of the cost‐effective total‐body PET scanners using J‐PET technology. We investigated in silico five TB scanner geometries, varying the number of rings, scanner radii, and other parameters. Monte Carlo simulations of the anthropomorphic XCAT phantom, the extended 2‐m sensitivity line source and positronium sensitivity phantoms were used to assess the performance of the geometries. Two hot spheres were placed in the lungs and in the liver of the XCAT phantom to mimic the pathological changes. We compared the sensitivity profiles and performed quantitative analysis of the reconstructed images by using quality metrics such as contrast recovery coefficient, background variability and root mean squared error. The studies are complemented by the determination of sensitivity for the positronium lifetime tomography and the relative cost analysis of the studied setups.ResultsThe analysis of the reconstructed XCAT images reveals the superiority of the seven‐ring scanners over the three‐ring setups. However, the three‐ring scanners would be approximately 2–3 times cheaper. The peak sensitivity values for two‐gamma vary from 20 to 34 cps/kBq and are dominated by the differences in geometrical acceptance of the scanners. The sensitivity curves for the positronium tomography have a similar shape to the two‐gamma sensitivity profiles. The peak values are lower compared to the two‐gamma cases, from about 20–28 times, with a maximum value of 1.66 cps/kBq. This can be contrasted with the 50‐cm one‐layer J‐PET modular scanner used to perform the first in‐vivo positronium imaging with a sensitivity of 0.06 cps/kBq.ConclusionsThe results show the feasibility of multi‐organ imaging of all the systems to be considered for the next generation of TB J‐PET designs. Among the scanner parameters, the most important ones are related to the axial field‐of‐view coverage. The two‐gamma sensitivity and XCAT image reconstruction analyzes show the advantage of seven‐ring scanners. However, the cost of the scintillator materials and SiPMs is more than two times higher for the longer modalities compared to the three‐ring solutions. Nevertheless, the relative cost for all the scanners is about 10–4 times lower compared to the cost of the uExplorer. These properties coupled together with J‐PET cost‐effectiveness and triggerless acquisition mode enabling three‐gamma positronium imaging, make the J‐PET technology an attractive solution for broad application in clinics.- Book : ()
- Pub. Date : 2025
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- Pub. Date : 2025
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A bidirectional nucleus-mitochondria communication is essential for homeostasis and stress. By acting as critical molecules, the nuclear-encoded lncRNAs (nulncRNAs) have been implicated in the nucleus-to-mitochondria anterograde regulation. However, role of mitochondrial-derived lncRNAs (mtlncRNAs) in the mitochondria-to-nucleus retrograde regulation remains elusive. Here, we identify functional implication of the mtlncRNAs MDL1AS, lncND5 and lncCyt b in retrograde regulation. Mediated by HuR and PNPT1 proteins, the mtlncRNAs undergo a mitochondria-to-nucleus traveling and then regulate a network of nuclear genes. Moreover, as an example of the functional consequence, we showed that the nuclear-translocated lncCyt b cooperates with the splicing factor hnRNPA2B1 to influence several aspects of cell metabolism including glycolysis, possibly through their regulatory effect on the post-transcriptional processing of related nuclear genes. This study advances our knowledge in mitochondrial biology and provides new insights into the role of mtlncRNAs in mitochondria-nucleus communications.- Book : 21(1)
- Pub. Date : 2025
- Page : pp.e1011580-e1011580
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- Pub. Date : 2025
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Liquid metal is widely used as the primary coolant in many advanced nuclear energy systems. Prandtl number of liquid metal is much lower than that of the conventional coolant of water or gas. Based on the Reynolds analogy, the turbulent Prandtl number is assumed to be a constant around unity. For the turbulent convection of liquid metal, dissipations of half the temperature variance are larger than those of turbulent kinetic energies. The dissimilarity between the thermal and momentum fields increases as Pr decreases. The turbulent Prandtl number is larger than one for the liquid metal. In the current investigation, the turbulent convection of liquid metal in the channel is quasi-directly simulated with OpenFOAM-7. The turbulent statistics of the momentum and the thermal field are compared with the existing database to validate the numerical model. The power law for dimensionless temperature distribution with different Prandtl numbers is obtained by regression analysis of numerical results. A new Nusselt number correlation is derived based on the power law. The new Nusselt number correlation agrees well with the DNS results in the literature. The momentum mixing process between different layers in the cross section is compared with the thermal mixing process. The effects of the Prandtl number on the difference between the turbulence time scale and scalar time scale are analyzed. A new turbulent Prandtl number model with local parameters is obtained for turbulent convection with liquid metal. Combined with the k−ω model, the temperature distributions with the new turbulent Prandtl number model agree well with the DNS results in the literature. The new turbulent Prandtl number model can be used for turbulent convection with different Prandtl and different Reynolds numbers.- Book : 18(3)
- Pub. Date : 2025
- Page : pp.547-547
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