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797508 PHARMACEUTICS Transferrin Receptor-Targeted Nanocarriers: Overcoming Barriers to Treat Glioblastoma 2022-01-25 10.3390/pharmaceutics14020279 Ramalho Maria João, Loureiro Joana Angélica, Coelho Manuel A. N., Pereira Maria Carmo
797507 PHARMACEUTICS FDM 3D-Printed Sustained-Release Gastric-Floating Verapamil Hydrochloride Formulations with Cylinder, Capsule and Hemisphere Shapes, and Low Infill Percentage 2022-01-25 10.3390/pharmaceutics14020281 Qian Haonan, Chen Di, Xu Xiangyu, Li Rui, Yan Guangrong, Fan Tianyuan
797506 PHARMACEUTICS CHRNA5 Contributes to Hepatocellular Carcinoma Progression by Regulating YAP Activity 2022-01-25 10.3390/pharmaceutics14020275 Fu Yan, Ci Hongfei, Du Wei, Dong Qiongzhu, Jia Huliang
797505 NANOSCALE RESEARCH LETTERS Significant Detectivity Enhancement of Broad Spectral Organic–Inorganic Hybrid Photodiodes by C60 Film as Hole-Blocking Layer 2022-01-25 10.1186/s11671-021-03651-7 Zhou Zhuoli, Liao Guangmeng, Song Xinyu, Dai Qinyong, Sun Lei, Peng Yingquan, Wang Peng
797504 JOURNAL OF EXPERIMENTAL & CLINICAL CANCER RESEARCH The essential roles of m6A RNA modification to stimulate ENO1-dependent glycolysis and tumorigenesis in lung adenocarcinoma 2022-01-25 10.1186/s13046-021-02200-5 Ma Lifang, Xue Xiangfei, Zhang Xiao, Yu Keke, Xu Xin, Tian Xiaoting, Miao Yayou, Meng Fanyu, Liu Xiaoxin, Guo Susu, Qiu Shiyu, Wang Yikun, Cui Jiangtao, Guo Wanxin, Li You, Xia Jinjing, Yu Yongchun, Wang Jiayi
797503 JOURNAL OF EXPERIMENTAL & CLINICAL CANCER RESEARCH Immunotherapy for glioblastoma: the promise of combination strategies 2022-01-25 10.1186/s13046-022-02251-2 Bausart Mathilde, Préat Véronique, Malfanti Alessio
797502 PHYTOKEYS Ultrastructure of three Species of Entomoneis (Bacillariophyta) from Lake Qinghai of China, with reference to the external areola occlusions 2022-01-25 10.3897/phytokeys.189.78149 Long Ji-Yan, Williams David M., Liu Bing, Mo Wen-Hui, Quan Si-Jin
797501 EUROPEAN RADIOLOGY Evaluation of intracranial artery stenosis using time-of-flight magnetic resonance angiography: new wine in an old bottle 2022-01-25 10.1007/s00330-021-08521-5 Shao Sai, Sun Qinjian
797500 SENSORS The Driving Waveform Design Method of Power-Law Fluid Piezoelectric Printing Based on Iterative Learning Control 2022-01-25 10.3390/s22030935 Peng Ju, Huang Jin, Wang Jianjun, Meng Fanbo, Gong Hongxiao, Ping Bu
797499 SENSORS Barrier Function Adaptive Nonsingular Terminal Sliding Mode Control Approach for Quad-Rotor Unmanned Aerial Vehicles 2022-01-25 10.3390/s22030909 Alattas Khalid A., Mofid Omid, Alanazi Abdullah K., Abo-Dief Hala M., Bartoszewicz Andrzej, Bakouri Mohsen, Mobayen Saleh