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(30 April 2009) As finishing her valuable service to the RCARO as an invited temporary staff member for three months from 1 Feb to 30 April 2009, Ms. Benya...
Dr Mun-Ki Lee was appointed as the new Director of RCARO by the National RCA Representatives at the 31st RCA NRM. His past careers include...
Mr Ki-Soo Yum, Administration Officer of RCARO, returned to the Ministry of Education, Science and Technology of ROK after three years of his dedicated ser...
(20 February 09) Dr Kwang-Ho Kim, the newly appointed Director of Multilateral Cooperation Division at the Ministry of Education, Science and Technology of R...
(16 February 09) Ms. Benya Rajabhandaraks, who is working as a temporary staff of RCARO from International Cooperation Group of the Office of Atoms for Peace...
(2 February 2009) Ms. Benya Rajabhandaraks, International Relations Officer, International Cooperation Group, Office of Atoms for Peace (OAP), Thailand, ha...