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Dr. Khairul Islam,Principle Scientific Officer and NLA of theInternational AffairsDivision, theBangladesh Atomic Energy C...
Ms Normazlin Binti Ismail,Publishing Officer of theInformation Management Division, the Malaysian Nuclear Agency has ...
16 June 2014 Dear National RCA Representatives, It is my pleasure to announce you the 2014/15 RCA Expert Support Programme of the RCARO to support ...
Ms Normazlin Binti Ismail,Publishing Officer of theInformation Management Division, the Malaysian Nuclear Agency has joined the RCA Reg...
RCARO published theRCA brochure for public (2014) and it is available on the RCA website (http://www.rcaro.org/brochure)
RCARO participatedin the Workshop on Strengthening Roles of RCARO held on13-14 February2014 in Jeju, Korea. The Workshop...