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Mr. Imtiaz Kamal, Member (Planning), of the Bangladesh Atomic Energy Commission, has become theNational RCA Representative of Bangladesh. He can be c...
The background documentsof the 40th Meeting of the National RCA Representatives are available on the RCA website (http://www.rcaro.org/nrm/view/id/3062...
Mr. KIM Young Eun, Director of the Space, Nuclear and Big Science Cooperation Division, Ministry of Science and ICT has become the National RCA Represent...
An info-graphic video on Food Irradiation and the Changing Climate has been produced by the IAEA and experts of RCA project RAS5071. Please follow the li...
The 40th RCA NRM will be held on 27-30 March 2018 in Busan, Republic of Korea. The Meeting of the RCA Chairs andStanding Advisory Committee (SAC) of th...
Resourcematerials for preparing the 1st round concepts for 2020/2021 RCA Programme are available on the RCA website. Please log-in to access the d...