RCARO/KAERI Regional Workshop, 8-19 October 2012, Daejeon, Korea | |||
rcaro |
2012.07.23 |
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National RCA Representatives : Bangladesh, China, India, Indonesia, Malaysia, Mongolia, Myanmar, Pakistan, Philippines, Sri Lanka, Thailand, Vietnam Dear National RCA Representatives, Referring to the workshop on Radiation Application Technology to be held on 8-19 October 2012 in Daejeon, Republic of Korea, I have the honour to invite participants from your ministry or relevant agencies and request you to nominate one or two appropriate persons to the workshop. This is one of the series of workshops conducted by RCA Regional Office (RCARO) under the collaborative arrangement between RCARO and Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute (KAERI) aiming to introduce technical and practical knowledge regarding radiation application technology to the RCA Member States. One or two nominees from each Member State will be selected based on the individual`s capability and potential to utilize the knowledge gained through the workshop. In this respect, it is cordially requested that you send us the list of the nominees in a priority order for our reference if you have two nominees. Given the constraints for travel arrangement, it would be important for you to send us your response and the duly completed application forms before July 27, 2012 to RCA Regional Office by e-mail at jklim@rcaro.org (Tel: 82 42 868 4905) or by fax 82 42 864 1626. The RCARO will provide the financial support for their participation and send additional details of the administrative arrangement to the selected nominees. Please refer to the enclosed prospectus for more information. The preliminary program and logistics can be also found at the RCA website http://www.rcaro.org/rcaronews/view//id/2252. I look forward to receiving your nominations.
Sincerely, Mun Ki Lee, Ph. D. Director RCA Regional Office Encl.: Workshop prospectus, application form