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RCA News
IAEA/RCA Regional Training Course on Controlling Soil Erosion And Improving Soil and Water Quality 9-20 May 2005, Xichang & Beijing, China






IAEA/RCA Regional Training Course on “Controlling Soil Erosion and Improving Soil and Water Quality” will be held in Xichang and Beijing, China in 9-20 May 2005. In this training course, the main objective is to develop improved soil, water, nutrient and crop management practices while counteracting predominant soil degradation processes in order to increase and sustain crop productivity in the region.

In East Asia and the Pacific region the decline in arable land area is aggravated by conversion of agricultural land into other uses and a series of soil degradation processes. Consequently, arable soil losses and decline in crop productivity for the ever increasing population as well as off-site pollution effects associated with erosion has been burden to agricultural and environmental sectors in the region. As eroded soil particles are very efficient carriers for pesticides and their metabolites, nutrients and other pollutants. Thus soil erosion is an important factor in water quality.

The course will emphasize the interactions between soil erosion and soil quality, and on the positive effects of soil conservation practices in terms of soil and water quality. Accordingly, the course is expected to improve the participants’ comprehension of these issues and to train them to the different conventional and radio-isotope techniques needed and used in order to meet the objectives of the project.
Local organizer: Dr. Yong LI at Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences (CAAS).

