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The 8th Meeting of the WG on RCA MTSC held on 4-5 February 2021






The 8th Meeting of the WG on RCA MTSC held on 4-5 February 2021



Upon the approval of the 42nd Meeting of the National RCA Representatives (NRM), the 8th Meeting of the Working Group on RCA Medium Term Strategy Coordination (MTSC) was held on 4-5 February 2021, virtually. The Meeting was attended by twelve (12) participants and observers comprising representatives from Australia, Bangladesh, Japan, Korea, Malaysia, New Zealand, the Philippines and RCARO. The RCA PAC Chair and the RCA Focal Person also participated.


During the Meeting, several issues related to the coordination of the RCA MTS were discussed. Upon the presentation by the RCA PAC Chair on the mid-term review of the MTS, the Meeting discussed on how to improve the final review process and identified the needs of the Least Developed Countries (LDCs) and Small Island Developing States (SIDS). The Meeting shared the recent updates on the IAEA project on the "Case Studies of Social and Economic Value of RCA Projects." Draft Declaration Letter to the Permanent Missions, follow-up on the 2018 Declaration, was reviewed and issues on the Regional Resource Units (RRUs) and copyright were also discussed.

The conclusions and recommendations of the Meeting will be presented during the upcoming 43rd RCA NRM for the consideration of the National RCA Representatives.