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2021 RCA Radiation Technology Training Programme






2021 RCA/KAERI Radiation Technology Training Programme

Title : 2021 RCA/KAERI Radiation Technology Training Programme
Platform :

RCA E-Campus

Date :

1 – 12 November 2021

Deadline for Nominations : 15 October 2021
Organizers : RCA Regional Office (RCARO) in cooperation with Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute (KAERI)


Organizers :

Mr. JinKyu LIM

Head, Administration

RCA Regional Office

Tel: +82 42 868 4905

E-mail: jklim@rcaro.org


Ms. Hyun-Pa Song | Project Manager

Nuclear Training & Education Center

Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute (KAERI)

Tel: +82-42-868-2691

E-mail: hpsong@kaeri.re.kr

Language : The language of instruction will be English.

This training programme is open to about 30 participants from the RCA Government Parties.

Each Government Party will be able to nominate two or three candidates.

Target Countries: Bangladesh, Cambodia, China, Fiji, India, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Mongolia, Myanmar, Nepal, Pakistan, Philippines, Palau, Sri Lanka, Thailand, Vietnam

The objective of this e-Learning programme is to transfer technical and practical knowledge on radiation policy & safety, research reactor technology, radiation technology and its applications etc. to technical or managerial professionals from target countries who are directly involved in the field of radiation application technology in government authorities, R&D institutes, and regulatory bodies.

Scope and Nature :

The e-Learning programme will take place for two weeks, providing kick-off and closing meetings, 24-recorded lectures, Q&As, assignment & on-line presentation, and an achievement test. The lectures will cover the followings:

  • Week 1: Introduction, Radiation Policy & Safety, Research Reactor Technology, Radioisotope Production
  • Week 2: Radiation Technology and its Applications, Public Communication

Refer to the Appendix 1 for more information.


Benefits for Outstanding Participants :

Participants with excellent grades will be given the opportunity to participate in the offline programme to be held in Korea in 2022.

(Please kindly note that we would like to arrange and proceed with this programme when the COVID-19 pandemic situation gets better.)

Participants’ qualifications
experience :

Participants should be technical or managerial professionals directly involved in the field of radiation application technology in government authorities, R&D institutes, and regulatory bodies with less than 5 years of relevant experience in the field. A bachelor’s degree or equivalent experience is required. Participants should have sufficient proficiency in English to follow the lectures without difficulty.

Application Procedure :

Completed application forms should be endorsed and approved by the National RCA Representatives and submitted to the below address no later than 15 October, 2021.



Tel: +82 42 868 2777

Fax: 82 42 864 1626

E-mail: rcaapply@rcaro.org


Nominations received after this date or applications which have not been endorsed by the National RCA Representatives cannot be considered.


Administrative  Arrangements :

National RCA Representatives will be informed of the result of selection procedures by the RCARO and the selected participants will be given full details of the procedures to be followed with information regarding the administrative matters.