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Policy Documents
Resolution adopted by The 32 RCA General Conference Meeting on the Establishment of the RCA Regional Office






(a) Reaffirming the spirit and scope of peaceful regional nuclear cooperation in East Asia and the Pacific embodied in the Regional Cooperative Agreements for Research, Development and Training Related to Nuclear Science and Technology (hereinafter referred to as the RCA) in 1972 and 1987,

(b) Recalling that the RCA operates under the auspices of the International Atomic Energy Agency (hereinafter referred to as the Agency) and that the Agency shall perform secretariat duties,

(c) Recognizing the significant contribution of the Agency to the achievements of the RCA,

(d) Recognizing the maturing nature of the relationship between the RCA Member States and the Agency and the importance of the Member States assuring an increased role in the RCA programme,

(e) Recalling that the Thirtieth RCA General Conference Meeting in Vienna on 15 September 2001 agreed in principle on the establishment of the regional office (hereinafter referred to the RCARO), for an interim period of two years, and required the Republic of Korea to prepare for its opening in March 2002 during the 24th RCA Meeting of the National Representatives which Republic of Korea will host,

(f) Recalling the adoption of the Working Paper by the Thirty-first RCA General Conference Meeting in Vienna on 18 September 2002 agreed in principle on the establishment of the RCARO in the Republic of Korea in early 2002 but as an interim operation until necessary legal provisions are prepared,

(g) Recognizing that the RCARO was inaugurated in Korea on 27 March 2002 in commemoration of the Thirtieth Anniversary of the RCA Agreement, and is now in interim operation,

(h) Convinced that establishing an RCARO in the region would contribute further to the development of the overall RCA programme; increasing ownership by the Member States, in particular increasing RCA visibility in the region; and, increasing the possibilities for new cooperative partnerships,

1. Reconfirms the decisions by the National RCA Representatives Meetings and endorsement by the National RCA Representatives Meetings to establish the RCARO in the Republic of Korea with an interim period of operation of two years,
2. Reconfirms the roles and functions of the Director of the RCARO as follows,
- To pro-actively seek out opportunities for the RCA to participate in projects being funded by major regional and international donors, including international agencies,
- To negotiate and secure funding for RCA projects,
- To promote the peaceful uses of appropriate nuclear technology to assist in addressing regional and national needs, and
- To provide enhanced visibility for the RCA at regional and national fora.
- To implement the directives of the RCA Member States as agreed upon at the National RCA Representatives meetings
3. Reconfirms that the RCARO is responsible to the RCA Member States,
4. Commends the Government of the Republic of Korea for the generous support in hosting the RCARO,
5. Requests the Government of the Republic of Korea to continue all necessary support for the RCARO,
6. Requests all RCA Member States to support and cooperate with the RCARO.
- Adopted by the 32nd RCA GCM in Vienna on 17 September 2003
- Revised by the 33rd RCA GCM in Vienna on 22 September 2003



